Firefox v3.5 Silent Specia Edition [24 Extensions] | Size: 17.2 MB
Language: English
Enabled Extensions: 24
Installed Themes: 2
Installed Plugins: 14
Tweaks: Many
Firefox Special Edition ini sudah dilengkapi banyak plugins, skins, dan themes.
Mozilla Firefox kini lebih cepat, lebih aman, mudah digunakan dan mempunyai tampilan yang lebih baru. Edisi terakhir untuk Firefox merilis inovasi web browser terbaiknya, Mozilla Firefox project ( dulu bernama Firebird sekarang Phoenix )adalah redesign dari Mozilla browser , ditulis dengan menggunakan XUL users interface dan didesign menggunakan cross-platform. Sangat kecil, cepat dan mudah digunakan,dan menawarkan banyak keuntungan dibandingkan web browser lain, Seperti kemampuan untuk memblock pop-up windows.
[24] Enabled Extensions
* Adblock Plus 1.0.2
* BetterPrivacy 1.29
* ColorfulTabs 3.9.2
* Ctrl-Tab 0.20
* Dictionary Lookup Extension 1.5.1
* Firesizer 0.92
* Flagfox 3.3.13
* Flashblock
* Greasemonkey 0.8.20090123.1
* Interclue
* It's All Text! 1.3.1
* Lazarus: Form Recovery 2.0
* Linkification 1.3.6
* MR Tech Toolkit
* Panic Button 1.1.2
* PopupSound 0.1.6
* pwgen 0.1.2
* QuickWiki 0.99
* removetabs 0.3.0
* Stylish 1.0.3
* Tab Scope
* Tab Wheel Scroll 20090618
* Undo Closed Tabs Button 3.5.1
* United States English Dictionary 3.0.3
[2] Installed Themes
* Default
* NASA Night Launch 0.6.20090428
[14] Installed Plugins
* 2007 Microsoft Office system
* Adobe Acrobat
* Authorware Web Player
* Foxit Reader Plugin for Mozilla
* Microsoft® Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin
* Mozilla Default Plug-in
* Office Genuine Advantage
* QuickTime Plug-in 7.6
* RealJukebox NS Plugin
* RealPlayer Version Plugin
* RealPlayer(tm) G2 LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In (32-bit)
* Shockwave Flash
* Shockwave for Director
* Windows Genuine Advantage
[Many] Tweaks
*The piratebay website Tweaked (no more advertisements)
*No waiting time for all megaupload family website and auto CAPTCHA filling and autodownload.
*No more advertisements in windows hotmail. (Enjoy it as a premium user)
*Spelling checker For NEWAGE-OS Chatbox
*Deviantart website tweaked (changed the main theme)
*Warez bb Tweaked ( changed the main theme)
*Youtube website Tweaked (changed the main theme)
*Always centered images
*IMDB website Tweaked (changed the main theme)
*Google page tweaked ( newage-os google and few improvements in the visualization results and google "method")
*Link checker (for Rapidshare links and Megaupload)
*Quick preview when mouse over opened tab
*Move between the tabs with your mouse wheel (when mouse on the tabs)
*Automatic Password generator
*New dictionary features (highlite a word that you need to know and right click on it then select "Quick Wiki" and "quick look in wikipedia" it will open a popup with the definition of that word, Or a faster way is to highlight the word then holding down Ctrl button and right click. Or use Shift + spacer buttons for another wiki imput.
Nb : Nah kalau masih merasa lambat atau kurang cepat juga, silakan gunakan Speedy Fox
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